In Memory

Barbara Sparks (Spofford)

Barbara Sparks (Spofford)

Barbara Sparks Spofford

August 24, 1948 - August 1, 2024

Sandy Sparks Fox (MHS 1965) informed us that her sister Barbara passed away Thursday, August 1, 2024, in her sleep in Sequim, Washington. Since she does not have any immediate family, Sandy doesn't know if there will be an obituary. Barbara was predeceased by her husband Pete Spofford in 2021, her parents BJ and Delores Sparks, a brother Alan Sparks and a sister Cheryl Grimm who also passed away in 2021. Barbara is survived by numerous nieces and nephews and tons of friends. Sandy lives in South Carolina and Tom Sparks in Bozeman, Montana.

Barbara had originally answered the survey that she would be coming to the August 10th Class picnic and then she sent me an email a couple of weeks ago that she would not be able to attend. Sandy says that Barbara changed her mind on the picnic because the community she lives in {55 & older} was allowing them to have a garage sale.

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08/05/24 07:30 AM #1    

Rexana Magruder (Scrimager)

So so sad to hear of Barb's passing. Praying for all of her family. 

08/05/24 04:41 PM #2    

Kevin Cloud Brechner

How very sad. Barbara moved to Meadowdale when her family moved into the new housing tract homes built in a former meadow on the north side of 160th almost directly across the street from MHS. She was a very smart and funny person. I had a lot of classes with her over the years and we communicated several times over the years, thanks to this website. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. My deepest condolences to Sandy and her family,

08/05/24 07:36 PM #3    

Michael Clemans

Oh wow Stan,  Thank you for keeping us all in the loop.  Your message about Barb's passing says the most recent email to you must have been just days before her passing.  Kind of sounds like Barb knew what was about to happen.  RIP Barb...YOU WILL BE MISSED.

08/06/24 04:17 PM #4    

Lois Schultz (Kropp)

So sad to hear about Barb. We were neighbors and good friends during high school. I was looking forward to seeing her at the picnic.

08/07/24 09:38 AM #5    

Ginger Jay (Williams)

 Wry sad praying her her friends and family's loss

08/07/24 11:59 AM #6    

Geraldine Ritchey (Reed)

I really liked Barbara & and am sad to hear about her passing.😢 She was fortunate to pass in her sleep. Prayers for her sister and family.

08/07/24 05:51 PM #7    

Susan Andahl (Krause)

Sad to hear about Barb. I remember seeing her comment recently. She was a special friend to me in in high school and somehow we lost touch. I'm sure she will be missed but is in a better place now. 

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