Meadowdale High School, Lynnwood, WA
Class of 1966 - Go Chiefs!!!

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Barbara Burton (MHS 1978)
Attention all who sang in Choir and Impressions at MHS! We are Organizing a reunion for all MHS Choir - Impressions from 1963-1989 - the Burton Years in honor of Bob Burton's 90th Birthday! We would love to see everyone there
June 24, 2023 at the Edmonds WAterfront Center
Check out this website to get all the information! Spread the word!
Barbara's Latest Interactions
Hi Sue,
So love your memories! I never knew that story about hiding in the car. What a great trick.
I want to make sure you know about the Choir-Impressions reunion we are organizing next summer in Edmonds on June 24, 2023 at the Edmonds Waterfront Center. In honor of Bob Burton's 90th birthday, we are trying to get all who sang with him together in one place!
Here is a website with all the relevant info on it:
Check it out. It would be so great so have you be there!!
Hi Maxine, We would so love to see you at the giant Choir-Imps reunion next summer - June 24, 2023 in Edmonds! Could you possibly come down? We will be celebrating Bob Burton's 90th birthday. Here is a website with all the information about it. mhschoirimpsreunion.com
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