In Memory

Gregory Hobbs

Gregory Hobbs

Gregory Johnnie Hobbs

28 Sep 1948 - 7 Jun 2024

Greg lost his battle with colon cancer on June 7, 2024. He was  buried at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Dixon, Solano County, California, United States of America.

Information is From US Find a Grave

From Greg's School Story:

Served in the Army from 1966 to 1969 - Vietnam Vet
Worked as an air traffic controller for the FAA 1970 -1980 Medically retired
Worked in sales and marketing for the last 35 years.
Owned 3 different companies - Financial Services - Software - Consulting
Currently involved in International trade and finance.

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12/28/24 08:12 PM #1    

Stan Stebing

Below is a message I received from Greg: He was well enough to attend our 2023 Class Picnic and really enjoyed it with his wife Trish. He had hoped to attend the 2024 Class Picnic. He last logged in to the MHS 1966 Website on May 7, 2024.

Gregory Hobbs
04/28/23 08:33 PM

Thank you for asking. Actually, according to my oncologist’s original prognosis, I should be dead. So, I feel great for a dead guy.

As I may have mentioned, I have refused all standard medical treatment for cancer. I do not believe that chemo or radiation is the cure for cancer. Those treatments only destroy your immune system which is you best defense against any disease.

I read recently that cancer patients that submit to conventional treatment last about 3 years while those who refuse treatment live an average of 5.5 years.
My recent blood tests have shown that all my numbers have improved. So, I am actually getting better.

I do use holistic methods to treat myself, but not many people subscribe to that type of thing. Every day in every way I get better and better.

I noticed that there is one of our classmates who has just finished a book. I wrote a book which will be published in the next 60 days or so. I spent more than 30 years in sales, sales management and sales training. So, I wrote a book about a specific sales methodology that I used and taught for many years.

The gentlemen that developed this technology has morphed into the largest sales training company in the US and possibly the world. The book is about my experiences using this technology and explaining its application.

This multinational company is the one publishing the book. It has been in development for more three 3 years. Covid delayed everything about 2 years.

I feel great and I am still working.

Thank you very much for remembering and asking. Very considerate.

There is an outside chance I may get to attend the picnic this year. I’ll keep you posted.

Thanks again

12/29/24 07:40 AM #2    

Rexana Magruder (Scrimager)

Bless him. Thanks for sharing, Stan. 

12/29/24 12:52 PM #3    

Phyllis Linehan (Peterson)

Thanks for sharing Stan Greg was a good guy 


01/04/25 04:26 AM #4    

Kevin Cloud Brechner

So, sorry to hear this.  I didn't know Greg when we were in high school, but we had several really good conversations on this website.  I will miss his postings.  My deepest condolances to Greg's family.

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