Meadowdale High School, Lynnwood, WA
Class of 1966 - Go Chiefs!!!

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In Memory
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Judy Harris (Rainbolt)
Kathy lived just around the corner from me in high school. I didn't know her well, but every interaction we had was pleasant. I remember her as always smiling and I thought she was so sweet. I was sorry to hear about her failing health from Bob at our 50th. I have thought of her often over the years, hoping she was happy and living a good life with people who loved her. Sending my sympathy and good thoughts to her family, even tho she's been gone over four years. Judy Harris Rainbolt xoxo
Kevin Cloud Brechner
I didn't know her well either, but I had classes with her. She was very attractive and unique, with alluring eyes. She also seemed really smart and down to earth. It sounds like she lived a good life with a long strong marriage, kids and grandkids. Can't ask for more than that. Bob, I am very sorry for your loss. I liked your description of her beaming personality. That was a good description of her. She was a shining light.
Kathleen Bogart (Bendixsen)
We were best friends all through high school. She even was in my wedding almost 56 years ago. Bob so sorry for you and the family, we were going to have a get together a few years ago. She had planned to come to Seattle but unfortunately that never happened. We had some great times here in Chelan and I will always think of her with a smile.